“There are other things I want to Accomplish”

Paolo: Going on to do “other things”?

Its been a few months but I’m still musing over the big change here at Arcosanti.

In the Cosanti Foundation Soleri retirement Press Release at Arcosanti’s official website blog (Daily Progress aka Today@Arcosanti) announcing the change in leadership, Soleri supposedly explains that its time for him to “do other things.” What other things are we talking about here? Most recently Paolo Soleri has been focusing his energy on this idea of building a Lean Linear City.

It seems that he might just have a couple of moves up his sleeve. Really though the only other thing he could be talking about is his having more of a focus on Lean Linear City.

I have mixed feelings about the change in that I don’t want him to just fade away but then again it might be a good thing for the project for him to become less involved and let some new blood in to get the project really moving again. However I don’t think there is much worry about his “retirement” as he seems to be pretty much involved as he was in the past but without the title of President.


  1. PR from the Cosanti Foundation website: NEW LEADERSHIP AT COSANTI FOUNDATION  [FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, July 13, 2011] http://www.arcosanti.org/today/2011/07/15/1310744130298.html
  2. One documentarian seems interested by Soleri’s retirement http://alifesworkmovie.com/blog/2011/07/paolo-soleri-retires/
  3. My report in the Arcology discussion group about the transition: Re: [arcology] Paolo Soleri resigns from Cosanti http://groups.yahoo.com/group/arcology/message/3837
  4. The Big Bug News – a local Newspaper reports on Paolo’s retirement: http://www.bigbugnews.com/main.asp?SectionID=1&SubSectionID=443&ArticleID=51462

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